
Light Beyond the Bulb

As part of the activities for the International Year of Light, we are curating a high-quality, free-use image exhibition for the science of light to be shown throughout 2015.

To contribute images to be considered for use during the exhibition: -Please select up to 3 images (from data; not illustrations, artwork, models or spectra) that you believe will print well on a large scale - approximately 4' x 3' - and are color corrected for printing.

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1) a preview jpg (any reasonable size for quick viewing in a browser - 500 or 700 or 900 pixels, etc)
2) your highest resolution tiff file
3) text file containing short description and credit. The description should include object name, type of light, scale, distance (if appropriate), and how it connects to the science of light.

-Start each selection's filename with "iyl_image#_obsname" eg,

iyl_1_chandra.txt (or rtf, .doc, pdf)
(you can zip or tar all selections into a package if you prefer)

-Upload to this ftp site using an ftp client ONLY (Sorry, ftp access is not available through a web browser)::
Username: anonymous

Once the ftp client has connected, you should see a folder called "pub", click on that to open the pub directory. Inside the pub directory is a folder named "incoming", click open that folder and upload your files.

4) Email us when you have uploaded to:
-Kimberly K. Arcand, Principal Investigator
Chandra X-ray Center/Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Twitter: @kimberlykowal

We look forward to seeing your amazing science images. We'll be posting a draft of the image use agreement soon. In the meantime, please see this agreement form from the previous project.

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